Podcasts for Christian Women – that Tackle the Big Questions

Looking for worthwhile podcasts for Christian women, especially Christian moms?

There are so many to choose from today. How do we know which ones are worth our valuable time?

Recently I’ve been scouring the web and gathering recommendations for podcasts.

Specifically, my search was for podcasts for Christian women that are Gospel-centered, thought-provoking, and powerful in their ability to grow me as a Christian and as a mom.

Vertical graphic with text - "Christian Podcasts that tackle tough questions" with image of headphones on a wooden backdrop.

I’ve been especially interested in apologetics and theology resources lately. Learning about how to share my faith more effectively is a worthwhile way to spend my downtime, after all.

Most of the podcast shows listed below can be accessed on just about any device. You can listen on Android and Apple phones, which is probably the easiest. But a smart speaker is another option, like an Echo Dot.

Or, listen in on your laptop (Apple or Google podcasts) – or straight from the websites I’ll be linking to.

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Why Podcasts for Christian Women and Moms?

When I first was introduced to podcasts, I wasn’t sure if one could hold my attention.

Isn’t it just glorified talk radio, I wondered?

But it turns out there are plenty of podcasts worth listening to, with invaluable content for the Christian mom.

Needless to say, I’m glad I came out of the Dark Ages and finally jumped on the podcast train!

Woman with headphones standing against a blue background.

One of the reasons why I’ve grown to love podcasts so much are because they are PERFECT for all women, but especially multitasking moms.

(By the way, is there any other kind?) 

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Taking the Bible on the go

You can listen to podcasts in the car, while doing laundry or dishes or cooking dinner. I’ve even listened to a whole series while painting my kitchen.  

As a mom I have less time to read than I used to, and I’ve all but cut out TV completely in the last few years (for several reasons).

But fortunately, audio books and podcasts have really been a substitute blessing to me in the stage of life I’m in right now.

Woman sitting outside with headphones, ipad, book - concept of Bible study podcast for women

Note: these aren’t a substitute to reading the Bible itself!  

Podcasts for Christian Women: Never Stop Learning

I think it’s important for Believers to continually learn and be challenged in our study of the Word, no matter how busy our lives are.

Personally, I’d love to go back and pursue graduate studies in theology or some type of ministry emphasis. But that hasn’t been possible for me as of yet.

However, I’ve learned that there are many (free) online resources I can take advantage of. Having these tools can stretch my understanding and provide supplemental education in areas where I lack.

Some of the podcasts I’ve unearthed lately help to do just that.

The Best Podcasts for Christian Women (that aren’t fluff)

I’m attempting in this post to not just highlight the most popular Christian women’s speakers out there. I really want to focus on podcasts that discuss the “big questions”.

These are resources that can help us to have deeper and more Scripturally-sound conversations with our kids (and others).

Learning apologetics and theology by discovering Christian podcasts - image of woman on tablet

So if you haven’t jumped on the podcast bandwagon yet, any of the selections below would be a great place to start.

And if you’re already a podcast-lover, you might find some new and worthwhile Christian podcasts on this list.  

1. Mama Bear Apologetics

The Mama Bear Apologetics Podcast has been playing nonstop at my house recently.

As I mentioned, I am a huge proponent of studying apologetics. In fact, I think we’re in an age where it’s increasingly important to know how to logically defend our Christian Faith to the largely unbelieving world.

And that’s exactly what this podcast is all about:

Equipping moms with reasonable arguments to defend the truth of Scripture, so that they can teach and train their children to do the same.

After reading the Mama Bear Apologetics book , I was more motivated to dive deeper into apologetics in general. Honestly, it blew me away with how relevant the information is for Christian moms today.

When I found out there was a podcast, it was icing on the cake. What you’ll find are thorough evaluations of current “hot topics” in the media, reasoned out with a Biblical worldview.

The hosts include Hillary Morgan Ferrer and her fellow Mama Bears. (Including Alisa Childers who is an expert on Progressive Christianity — another podcast topic you’ll want to dig into).

These influential women hold advanced degrees and/or years of ministry experience. In other words: they’re well-qualified to lend their wisdom to other Mama Bears like you and me.

Most of all, they have a passion for training up the next generation of Christ followers.

One episode I would highly recommend is Episode 33, “How to Talk about Pride Month with Your Kids”. Hillary’s method of addressing this topic in general was one of the best explanations I’ve heard to date. (An incredibly empathetic response via solid Bible teaching).

2. Alisa Childers Podcast

After hearing Alisa on the Mama Bear Apologetics podcast (she also contributed to the book), I discovered she also has her own podcast, the Alisa Childers Podcast.

You may or may not remember her as one of the members of the Christian band, ZoeGirl, in the early 2000s. Then in her early 30s, Alisa experienced a crisis of faith of sorts.

She began to question how her faith had been formed as a child and why she believed what she believed. This led into deep study of theology and a transformative “journey from unreasoned doubt into vibrant, intellectually informed faith“.

For me, Episode 57:  Deconstruction and Reconstruction: Walking Through Doubt, with Dominic Done was a really eye-opening and excellent discussion. In it, they discuss how we can seek answers where they can be found in Scripture- but also take our doubts to God.

3. Ask Pastor John

If you’re familiar with the Desiring God website, you’ve probably read articles or listened to a sermon by founder and lead teacher, John Piper.

Desiring God has become a very trusted resource for me, for answers on the “big questions” in life, through the Scripture filter. This site houses several podcasts, but Ask Pastor John is one of my favorites. I have learned so much by listening to these short clips.

Pastor John shares his insight in response to those big questions such as “Can Loved Ones in Heaven Look Down on Me?”.

And while I appreciate listening to a variety of teachers (though primarily my own local pastor), I think it’s so important that we seek to learn from teachers who are tried and tested.

It’s always good to balance newer teachers/speakers with those who have been studying and preaching the Word for many years. Of course, it can often take time to recognize those who have proven themselves to be devoted, consistent and truly led by God.

Christian podcasts for women: image of woman with headphones

I do believe there is a tendency, if we’re not careful as women and moms, to only follow those teachers we find commonalities with. That is — young female teachers.

And while there are plenty of wonderful Bible teachers of all ages – male and female alike, there are also many teachers surfacing today who unfortunately do not seem well-grounded in the Word.

Or, they begin well-grounded, but then later start to exhibit red flags of watering down Truth to appease the masses. Social media has made this easy, sadly.

I say all of that to point out this:

While it’s good and healthy to not agree on every perspective another Christian teacher holds, there are some basic exposition methods you will find in this podcast that you can apply to your personal Bible study, reliably.

4. Cultivate with Kelly Minter

A friend introduced me to a Kelly Minter Bible study last year on the life of Joseph, and I still remember the powerful insights from this study today. Her podcast has become another favorite as well.

Kelly just has a special way of storytelling. Whether she’s relating a story about a family gathering or a mission trip to the rain forest, you can easily picture what she is describing.

She’s great with analogies and real-life application of complex issues in Scripture.

I find that I remember things I’ve learned from her, months after reading or listening to her work.

The Cultivate podcast episodes are easy to listen to on a short drive, but are packed with nuggets of wisdom and grounded in Bible truth.

5. Sheologians

I’ll admit I’ve read more from their blog than I’ve actually listened to this podcast, but I really appreciate what I’ve digested so far.

Summer White and Joy Temby definitely do not shy away from tackling cultural hot topics within the church and beyond.

You’ll find issues including but not limited to a critical review of the Enneagram, prosperity gospel, modesty and anxiety.

While I may not personally adhere to all the concepts within Reformed Baptist theology that White and Temby hold, I can find common ground and agreement in most the episodes I’ve listened to and what I’ve read on their blog.

The bottom line:

It’s important that Christians apply critical thinking and use the Word as lens for understanding the culture; not the other way around. You can subscribe to Sheologians on Apple podcasts.

6. 40 Days for Life

Abortion is no doubt one of the most debated topics of our generation.

As Christian moms, we need to be well grounded in the most fundamental human right of all:  the right to life.

In my work with our local Pregnancy Resource Center, I’ve been fortunate to meet some of the nation’s top pro-life thinkers and speakers. Shawn Carney was the keynote speaker at an event we had a few years ago.

He is boldly leading the discussion on pro-life apologetics today. His work with the 40 Days for Life campaigns across the globe is a testament to the power of prayer and collaboration for the cause of life.

Be sure to take a listen to the 40 Days for Life podcast. You will learn how to persuasively defend life and support women who are mercilessly targeted by the abortion industry.

Note:  this is factual, honest, no-nonsense discussion and not for young ears. But I can assure you – it’s information you need to know.

Pregnant mom looking down at her baby bump in a beautiful green field; concept of sanctity of human life- podcasts for Christian women and moms

We must understand the pervasive, false narrative of the abortion rhetoric and be able to counter it with the truth of the Word, which clearly affirms the value of every human being, beginning at conception.

7. For the Gospel

After I finished reading “God, Greed and the Prosperity Gospel” by Costi Hinn, I had to look up his podcast, For the Gospel.

It’s full of practical wisdom for believers, from a pastor with a great deal of passion for holding up the integrity of the Word.

Topics covered include everything from Biblical parenting and marriage advice, to cultural hot buttons like social justice and how Christians should respond from a Scripture-centered worldview.

This is a newer podcast to me, but I am really enjoying the depth and breadth of the conversation in each episode so far. If you’re looking for sound doctrine, For the Gospel is the perfect place to start.

8. Focus on Parenting

Focus on Parenting is a podcast by Focus on the Family, one of my longtime go-to resources for Bible-based parenting advice.

I highly recommend it as a top podcast for Christian women (or any parent). They specialize in addressing tough questions with practical wisdom.

In How to Raise Strong Believers, guest speaker Natasha Crain (author of Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side) discusses the importance of using everyday scenarios as teaching moments in apologetics training.

She also stresses keeping the lines of communication open. We have to be careful to not shut down those tough, faith-challenging questions that will inevitably come from our kids.

At every age and stage, they will be exposed to new ideas worldviews and influenced by them in some way.

In another episode, Saying the Right Thing When Your Child Misbehaves, the focus is on sibling rivalry and how to NOT become another fighter in the ring, as the parent. (Genius!)

Wendy Speake gives some amazing “scripts” you can use to condition your child to understand and model appropriate, Christlike behavior in any circumstance.

Focus on the Family podcast is a great way to discover a variety of Christian authors and teachers and their approaches to Biblical parenting.

9. Natasha Crain

Natasha was another contributor to the Mama Bear Apologetics and that is where I first learned about her work. She recently started her own podcast.

I love the format because when I don’t have time to read her newest blog post, there is usually a podcast version of her post. I can listen to that while I’m on the treadmill or doing a million other things.

Natasha likes to tackle current events through a Biblical worldview, and help parents compare and contrast opposing perspectives to better understand objective truth.

She’s also a fellow homeschooling mom, so I appreciate her balanced and nuanced perspectives on that topic as well.

10. She Reads Truth

I’ve been following along with the daily Bible reading plans from She Reads Truth for about five years now. So of course, it was super exciting to hear there is now a podcast too!

Just like the name implies, the team at She Reads Truth is interested in just that: Reading the Word for what it is and discovering its transforming power in our lives.

It’s a really fun podcast to listen to, as well! But don’t let the lighthearted banter fool you- this is not a fluffy discussion platform at all.

Co-founders Raechel Myers and Amanda Bible Williams have an easy way of breaking down big concepts into digestible nuggets that will keep you thinking long after the show.

I would recommend She Reads Truth as one of the best Christian podcasts for women or anyone for that matter. You can check out the latest episodes here.

Vertical graphic with text "13 of the best Christian podcasts for women and busy moms to stay grounded in the Word."

11. Knowing Faith

Knowing Faith is a podcast by The Village Church, where you might be familiar with the pastor, Matt Chandler.

Jen Wilkin, author of Women of the Word, teaches here and hosts the podcast along with JT English and Kyle Worley. 

The premise, much like Jen’s book, is about developing a rational faith by knowing Scripture -and therefore knowing God – intimately.  We can only love God by knowing who He really is. It’s a marriage of hearts and minds and a call to diligence in our study.

Knowing Faith seeks to answer questions like, “Who is the Holy Spirit?” with a systematic approach to studying the Word. Take a look at the episodes for Knowing Faith here.

12. Verity

I started following Phylicia Masonheimer on Facebook via a recommendation from a friend, and I’m thankful I did. Her podcast, Verity, seeks to help women understand the big picture of Scripture.

She does this by breaking down topics relating to parenting, culture, women in the church – and so much more.

I love how she makes complicated concepts such as egalitarianism vs. complementarianism easy to understand. She has a straightforward approach to dissecting Scripture, in its historical context.

If you haven’t heard of Phylicia’s book, “Stop Calling me Beautiful“, you should also check it out.

13. Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey

Lately I’ve found the Relatable podcast to be a very timely podcast for the state of our nation and the culture at large. Allie hits hard on politics, but also theology and apologetics and how they intersect.

As she likes to say, “Politics matter because policies matter because people matter.”

These episodes remind me to pause and consider how to live out my faith in practical ways, and to stand firm on the truth of Scripture in every circumstance.

Telling the truth in love, and passing down a heritage of rock-solid faith are a common topics on this podcast. You can find it here.

Also be sure to check out Allie’s book, You’re Not Enough- and That’s OK.

14. Think Biblically: Conversations on Faith & Culture

Think Biblically is one of my new favorites, hosted by Scott Rae and Sean McDowell (professors at Talbot School of Theology at Biola University).

I’ve used Sean’s resources for Bible Study with my kids on the RightNow Media app for several years, so I was glad to find a podcast with even more of his practical advice on current issues.

The thing that really has impacted me the most is Sean’s compassion for those struggling with their faith, and for those outside the faith.

It has encouraged me to have a bigger heart for listening to others’ stories, and finding ways to open the doors to conversations about the freedom found in Christ.

More than ever – we all need this reminder to see people as image bearers of God, worthy of our time, attention, and genuine care.

15. Lisa Harper’s Back Porch Theology

It is hard to listen to Lisa Harper’s voice and not imagine her as your mom/aunt/favorite church lady giving you wise, loving advice via every episode.

A reader recommended the Back Porch Theology podcast, and it’s truly been a blessing in my life recently.

I was deeply touched by recent episodes on the topic of suffering, in particular.

(See Curt Thompson’s book, “The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope, for more on this discussion.)

Christian Podcasts for Women Who Want to Dig Deeper

I hope you’ll enjoy listening to these engaging teachers who shine the light on the Gospel truth and don’t shy away from the hard questions we face.

This post was created with the purpose of challenging you as a mom to dig deeper into the Word, and better equip you to train your children as you do!

This is by no means a comprehensive list of podcasts for Christian women, but simply the top ones that I’m enjoying right now.

I believe any mom could greatly benefit from any of the podcasts featured here.

Feel free to list your recommendations for Christian podcasts for women (especially theology and apologetics resources)– in the comments below!

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Podcasts for Christian Moms on theology: image of woman with computer

*Post originally published 9/18/19 and last updated 8/1/23.

34 thoughts on “Podcasts for Christian Women – that Tackle the Big Questions”

  1. Love these recommendations! I’ll be downloading today.

    I’d also really suggest Heidi St. John with her Get off the Bench podcast and Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey. Both wonderfully biblical based gals hitting tough topics.

    1. Yes, I should definitely add those to this list Ruthie! I’ve just started listening to Relatable recently and I keep meaning to add Heidi St. John to my library. Thank you!

  2. I’ve really enjoyed The Bible Recap with Tara-Leigh Cobble. She does a reading the Bible chronologically podcast. She has a book, or there is a plan through you version. However, the bible, the way we read it, cover to cover, is not chronological. So it’s very interesting how she breaks it down. Each chapter and such. It’s very fascinating.

  3. Thank you SO much for this list. I am going to check them out. I, too, was going to suggest Lisa Harper’s Back Porch Theology.

  4. Thank you for sharing this! These are all great! I can’t wait to check out some that I didn’t know. I have to echo some others in these comments too… The top 2 on my “podcast junkie list” that would fall right in line with these recommendations – Journey Women and Risen Motherhood! Deep theology and you’ll feel like you’ve made new friends.

    1. Thanks for chiming in! I finally got to listen to Journey Women last week and I agree, it’s great! Sounds like I need to add both of those to this list.

  5. Thank you for these additional resources for me tonchexk out. I also highly recommend Made to Conquer with Tiana Schowe. It turned me from lukewarm believe to an on-fire believer. God is doing amazing things through Tiana.

  6. Check out Foundation Worldview podcast! Absolutely excellent-parenting, current culture issues, etc all from a Biblical Worldview.

  7. I have been needing more Christian women podcast! And I have nearly added them all even from the comments so excited to dive deeper ❤️ thank you for this Pinterest article!!

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