Welcome, friend.
I hope this will be a (virtual) place where you can sit down, relax and take a breather from the daily chaos. I also hope you’ll find inspiration for living a purpose-filled, focused mom-life.
Because honestly, life seems to rush by at such a hectic pace when you’re juggling a marriage, kids, and a career (or any of those combinations).
I’m a wife and mom to four kiddos and I understand the struggles modern families face. Over the years, I’ve worked full-time, part-time, in the workplace and at home (and at times all of the above!).
It’s tough to find balance in daily life while making time to reach your long-term goals for yourself and your family.
And isn’t that what most of us are looking for?
More time with the people we love, less stress in our daily schedules and to feel connected to others without feeling overwhelmed.
My Background
My life and my goals changed dramatically after I became a mom. I left graduate school after we learned we were expecting our first child and spent 10 years working in the legal field.
After our second daughter was born, I was starting to become restless and I never quite found the balance I craved as a working mom. I had a lot of responsibilities at work that seemed to overflow to my home life and I began looking for a new career path that allowed more time with my children.
After researching different options I decided, somewhat on a whim, to enroll in an online transcription school. Shortly after graduating, we found out we were expecting baby #3. I decided that now was the time to make a change.
I found work in legal transcription– a job that I could do completely from home – and left my job at the law firm a few months later.
It was a scary decision, leaving a steady job for contract work that came with no guarantees and no benefits! But I knew the Lord would provide as He had clearly provided this opportunity to be at home with my kids.
It’s funny how life ebbs and flows. That big leap of faith lead to one after another.
Since then, I’ve transitioned to blogging, freelance writing and also part-time work at our local Pregnancy Resource Center.
At the Pregnancy Center, I’ve seen even more clearly the unique challenges women face in raising their families. In individual mentoring and teaching parenting classes, my eyes have been opened even more to the need for supporting other moms right where they are.
Serving others is my joy, and I’ve also discovered that my lifelong love for writing is just one more way I can serve. This blog has been a long time in the making, but well worth the journey.
Why I started this website
Over the years, I’ve worked with, ministered to and developed friendships with women and mothers from a wide range of backgrounds — from high-powered career women to moms just struggling to survive.
I’ve noticed that no matter our social status, we all struggle to raise our families in a way that aligns with our beliefs, fits into our budget, and creates the kind of legacy that we envisioned from the beginning.
I’m a perfectionist by nature (anyone else?), but I’m learning that slowing down is an art that we have to practice with laser-focus.
No matter how busy we are, we can choose our priorities each day. We can let go of some things for this season in life. We can find moments of rest, and still love our people well.
So it’s my hope to inspire you in your faith and encourage you in your calling as a mom. We’ll look for practical solutions to topics such as saving money, managing your home and becoming intentional with your time.
As we tackle these key areas, I believe we become better equipped to take care of ourselves and enjoy life more.
Sit down, have a cup of coffee with me and join our chicken-scratch-mom community — imperfect, sometimes messy, but always genuine.
P.S., Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to stay in touch!