The Girl Power Message vs. our Identity in Christ
What does the “girl power” message convey about the worth of women, and how do we teach our daughters their true worth in Christ? Here are a few ways we can re-frame this messaging.
Tools for purpose-filled Christian parenting from babies to teens.
What does the “girl power” message convey about the worth of women, and how do we teach our daughters their true worth in Christ? Here are a few ways we can re-frame this messaging.
How do you address talking back from your kids? Tips to disarm this behavior instead of ignoring it!
Inspirational quotes about motherhood: encouragement by moms, for moms.
If you have trouble reconciling the real reason for Easter + bunnies + candy…this post is for you! Easter gifts for kids that celebrate the message: He is Risen!
What does being the best version of yourself really mean? Here’s why I want my kids to discern between catchy slogans and true wisdom that comes from God.
When those teaching moments during the day can get lost in the shuffle…reconnect at bedtime with these bedtime story prompts that promote bonding and character building.
What does it really take to be a “good” parent? It turns out it’s not as complicated as we often think.
Parenting advice abounds in a digital world, but seeking wisdom to guide our steps is the key.